I was tinkering around with my classic chocolate pot recipe, wondering what would be delicious at the end of an Italian feast, and I happened to have half a tub of mascarpone in the fridge singing a siren song.
(serves 4- 6 depending on the size of the pots that you are using)

- Break two bars of dark chocolate into pieces in a bowl.
- Pour the ¾ cup of heavy cream and ¼ cup of milk into a pan and heat until it’s just about to boil.
- Tip the hot cream/milk over the chocolate and count to 20.
- Whisk the melting chocolate into the cream until the color is uniform.
- Crack in the egg and whisk again. You’re not trying to whip up the mixture, just mix everything well.
- Pour the mixture into a jug, then from the jug into the little pots. Put the pots into the fridge and let them set for two hours.
- Whip the mascarpone with the rum (I have used Irish Cream or Amaretto when there was inexplicably no rum in the house )
- Dollop on top of the chocolate pots
- Decorate with the chocolate covered coffee beans and / or dust with a thick layer of coco powder
(You can let them sit for longer – overnight, a day or two, not much longer because of the egg – but take them out of the fridge to allow them to warm up a little about 20 minutes before you plan to eat them.)