Monthly Archives: July 2011
This brunch will get you laid – buttermilk pancakes with fresh peach compote
Here in New York, people take their brunch very seriously. And that usually means standing in line outside the latest greatest restaurant of the moment, sometimes for hours on end.
The Wednesday Tipple – Mojitos, and pulled pork tacos inspired by Shea’s Cuban Grandmother-in-law
A few weeks ago Jon and I went out to Brooklyn to Shea and Raphael’s apartment for dinner. It was a cause for excitement on several counts: Shea, (@hungry_in_bk) is a great cook with her own internet tv show so … Continue reading
The Monday Treat – red, white and blue marshmallows for s’mores
“I have a real soft spot for marshmallows,” said Amazing Grace as we drank sea breezes and experimented with drops of food coloring in my kitchen. It was my first foray into marshmallow making, so I had called for moral … Continue reading
Red, White and Blue Sundaes for 4th of July
Nothing says summer like an ice cream sundae. I’d suggest strawberry and vanilla with blueberry sauce for 4th of July – though technically this would be a pink, white a blue sundae. It’s so delicious that I think we’ll get … Continue reading
This Dinner Will Get You Laid – Dinner at the drive in movie
Ingyin and Yosi have a car. That’s not the only reason why they’re our friends, but it’s pretty nice. And on Wednesday night they made one of my dreams, nurtured on a heady mixture of Sweet Valley High and watching … Continue reading