Monthly Archives: August 2013
Herbs and Moving
If you are change-averse and also commitment-phobic, as I am, then finding a new apartment in Manhattan will not be a task that you relish.
Rosemary Parmesan Shortbread
Summer draws to a close and our friends Ingyin and Yosi prepare to return to Abu Dhabi and to the new term at NYU Abu Dhabi’s Physics Department. Not quite yet, but too soon. So we planned a fancy dinner … Continue reading
Apricot Cake and feeling at home
The Union Square Farmers’ Market groans with stone-fruit. Wasps buzz around stalls laden with peaches, It’s been a long day apartment hunting ahead of our September 3rd move out deadline. And frankly, it’s not been any fun whatsoever. I load … Continue reading
The Great Beer Pong Tournament of 2013, and a lager shandy, please.
I work at the kind of office where people all have titles like Senior Business Head of Global Creativity Strategy, and suchlike, so I didn’t guess when I was re-writing Tom’s bio, that he was in fact, seriously senior. Kind … Continue reading