Tag Archives: cheddar

The Wednesday Tipple – Spice-infused Appletinis with Grilled Cheddar, Walnut and Apple Sandwiches – oh, and some nudity too.

When Jon’s Dad came to visit us, he’d look up at the buildings and sigh. He pretty much could not believe that people would want to work and live piled up on top of each other in boxes. He lives … Continue reading

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This Dinner Will Get You Laid – Grill Cheese Cheese Burger

When Euan came to New York he had one goal in mind: to eat and rate all the best burgers in the city. It was a noble quest, and we set out to help him, compiling a list from various … Continue reading

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The Wednesday Tipple – Fancy beer and individual truffle mac n cheese

Partly it started because my sister Sarah and her boyfriend Matt came to stay with us in New York from London. Sarah is a wine buyer, so we left that bit up to her, while Jon went zooming off to … Continue reading

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This Dinner Will Get You Laid – Mac n Cheese in preparation for Super Bowl

Of all the dinners I’ve hosted for my close friends Sasha and Matt over the years the best one, the no-doubt-about-it favorite, was actually not cooked by me at all, but by my husband Jon.

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