Tag Archives: grill

The Wednesday Tipple – Gin Fizz in anticipation of barbeque

Labor Day is almost upon us, so naturally I am wearing as much white as possible and preparing for a BBQ.

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This Dinner Will Get You Laid – lemon and garden herb pork tenderloin

I have recently been introduced to the heady mixture of drama, romance, hopefulness and sheer desperation that is the missed connections section of the Craigslist website. This week, one of my favorites: To Women of New York Thank you. For … Continue reading

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The Wednesday Tipple – JD and Ginger (which is currently Very Cool Indeed) and Grilled Brie

I’ve been to a marvelous party. It was in honor of Cash Money Content, held at a glamorous yet still edgy Chelsea gallery, and I was there primarily to help my friend Molly hand out books at the book table. If you’ve … Continue reading

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The Wednesday Tipple – Cucumber Collins and Raita

Back in New York and back on the balcony where there are now distinct winners, notably the peas and the herbs, and losers – yes, you, strawberries and asparagus and cucumbers. I have no idea why. What can I tell … Continue reading

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