Monthly Archives: August 2014
Pina Coladas to take advantage of the joys of summer
So the mystery of how the mosquitoes were getting into the apartment in the first place was solved when I was taking a shower, watching one buzz purposefully up to the window screen, then continue, undeterred, straight through the mesh … Continue reading
Was there enough Summer?
It’s an important question. THE important question, really. As the last few days slip by, it’s time to focus, get organized, make sure there was enough summer to keep us in happy rum-soaked sun-drenched fantasies come February.
Chocolate Caramel Brownies
Sometimes only chocolate will do. This is chocolate worth splurging on.
Mum and Dad go to Williamsburg, and we all eat Lentil and Beetroot Salad
Mum and Dad, not content with living it up all over Manhattan, spread their wings and left the Island to explore the wilds of Brooklyn beyond. They ate lentils, experienced an explosion of Mexican street art, wore sunglasses, and rode … Continue reading