Monthly Archives: May 2011
The Monday Treat – Justin Bieber and truffle butter popcorn
People mocked me when I told them I was going to a Justin Bieber movie viewing with Champagne. And I’ll tell you what I told them; honestly, if you haven’t seen the movie, you simply don’t know what you’re missing.
This Dinner Will Get You Laid – The Weekend That Was! Wilderness Roast Chicken
Last weekend we had a redo of the weekend that never was, where a group of New Yorkers drove 3 hours into the countryside to hang out for the weekend in a rented house, only to be thwarted by sheet … Continue reading
The Wednesday Tipple – JD and Ginger (which is currently Very Cool Indeed) and Grilled Brie
I’ve been to a marvelous party. It was in honor of Cash Money Content, held at a glamorous yet still edgy Chelsea gallery, and I was there primarily to help my friend Molly hand out books at the book table. If you’ve … Continue reading
The Monday Treat – Spiced Apple Cake
The long weekend is approaching, and that might mean picnicking in Central Park (my plan) or adventuring out of the city for a weekend of country-side fun (my plan last weekend). After a long drive out of the city, and, … Continue reading
This Dinner Will Get You Laid – Steak Bearnaise At The End Of The World
Apparently the world will be ending on the 21st. It’s not a dead cert by any means, but it’s probably worth eating steak for dinner with someone you adore, just in case. The last time the world almost ended, a … Continue reading
The Wednesday Tipple – Blue Pina Coladas and Mango Wonton Bites
The weather in New York is hardly the semi tropical heat wave of last year, where my family celebrated my sister’s birthday at an out-door table in Pastis and walked along the Highline in our sandals. Nevertheless, circumstances have conspired … Continue reading
The Monday Treat – Margherita-inspired Puff Pastry tarts
Something that Never Happens totally Happened this weekend. People have been talking about 900 Degrees, (the new pizza restaurant to hit the Village) all last week, and that led me to assume that it was open. So Jon and I … Continue reading
This Dinner Will Get You Laid – homemade pesto with spaghetti
It really feels as though spring has finally, joyfully, arrived in New York. Baby ducklings are waddling through the park, a bird has made its nest in the back of my friend Keith’s air conditioner, which leaves him with something … Continue reading
The Wednesday Tipple – Cucumber Collins and Raita
Back in New York and back on the balcony where there are now distinct winners, notably the peas and the herbs, and losers – yes, you, strawberries and asparagus and cucumbers. I have no idea why. What can I tell … Continue reading
The Monday treat – focaccia with rosemary, black olives and lemon
Some treats require preparation, and there’s no point denying it; focaccia is one such. It’s not especially tricky to make – and all the olive oil makes for a stable dough that is less subject to the foibles of regular … Continue reading